Monday, June 20, 2011

Educational Philosophy

A student centered educational approach guides my philosophy of education. This idea significantly affects my belief of a teacher’s role in the classroom. In order to best facilitate student learning a teacher must take the time to get to know their students. By making an effort to learn about their students they help themselves twofold. First, they gain a better grasp of the instructional methods that best match the students learning styles. Another benefit of this approach is that it demonstrates to the student that you care about them and have a vested interest in both their learning and their well-being. I have found through my experiences that students will match this interest with respect and effort. A teacher can further facilitate learning by creating a classroom environment that is physically and emotionally safe. They should be comfortable with making mistakes. It a s vital part of life and I am a firm believer that we learn by failing and then reflecting on our mistakes.. It is only when mutual collaborative relationships are formed that learning is best facilitated.

These relationships are aspects of teaching that were very important to me as a student. Some of the most important and influential figures in my life were my teachers and coaches. Having been raised by a hardworking single mother I looked to my coaches and teachers as the positive male role models in my life. I have become who I am because of them and a commitment to be there for my students and someday my family as a positive male role model is a result of those relationships.

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